Edit SSN

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Below is the step-by-step process for changing a customer's Social Security Number.


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»A customer's Social Security Number can only be changed using the right-click option in the Customer Listing window.
»Select the customer whose SSN you wish to change.
»Right-click and select Change Social Security Number.


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»The customer's name and address will be displayed on the first three lines along with their current SSN on the fourth line.
»Type in a new SSN and then re-enter the new SSN.
»Enter a reason for the change (required field).
»Click Save to continue with the change.
»Click Cancel to exit without saving.


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»Click Yes to confirm the change.
»Click No to return to the previous screen.


Page url: http://www.ksoftcorp.com/help/index.html?edit_ssn.htm